
November 20, 2012

Evening Bible Class: Deuteronomy

Evening Bible Class: Deuteronomy

This winter, take a class on the book of Deuteronomy, taught by Pastor Perry, covering the interpretation and application of Deuteronomy. There are no tests or grades: we will just study the Bible together! The class will be held here at the church on Monday nights from 7:00–9:00 p.m. Classes will begin January 7 and […]

November 7, 2012

Prayer and Thanksgiving Service

Prayer and Thanksgiving Service

The Scriptures repeatedly command us to thank God: for who He is, for his sovereignty in creation, for his providential goodness, and for his special grace to us in the person of Jesus Christ. Join us as a church family to spend a special time of thanksgiving together. The service will begin at 7:00 p.m. […]

October 3, 2012

Three Questions and Answers from Hearts & Hands

Three Questions and Answers from Hearts & Hands

Why? The purpose of Hearts and Hands for Missions is to involve ladies of the church in the ministry of worldwide missions, to assist our missionary families, and to acquaint the women of the church with the women on the mission field. When? Hearts and Hands for Missions meets monthly with the exception of July and August. Meetings […]

September 6, 2012

September Fifth Sunday

Sunday afternoon, September 30, is both a fifth Sunday and part of our annual missionary conference. After the morning service, we will enjoy a fellowship dinner together. Following the meal, we will conclude our conference with a special showing of the fifth episode of the “Dispatches from the Front” missionary video series, “Father, Give Us […]

August 24, 2012

Missionary Conference theme song

Missionary Conference theme song

Each year we try to choose a new song to learn that goes along with our missionary conference. This year, we have chosen the song, “Blest Is the Man, Forever Blest,” by Isaac Watts. You will notice that the verses echo the words of Psalm 32:1–5. Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin […]

August 22, 2012

2012 Missionary Conference schedule

2012 Missionary Conference schedule

The schedule for our 2012 missionary conference has been set. We are excited about our speakers and conference theme. We hope you can be a part of every meeting! Wednesday evening, 7:00 p.m. Family testimony and special music: Joel & Sarah Arnold Video presentation: the Bollons Message: Brian Bollon Thursday evening, 7:00 p.m. Family testimony: […]

August 13, 2012

2012 Missionary Conference theme

2012 Missionary Conference theme

Missionary Conference is just over six weeks away! The speakers are scheduled, and we are looking forward to a great weekend of encouragement September 26–30. This year, our conference theme will be “Testifying of Repentance and Faith” from Acts 20:20–21. Paul, speaking to the elders of the Ephesian church, recounted how I did not shrink from […]

July 30, 2012

2012 Missionary Conference speakers

2012 Missionary Conference speakers

At WBC, our annual missionary conference is a special time. This year, we are excited to announce our three missionary speakers for our annual conference, September 26–30.

July 22, 2012

Making the Most of this Website

So our church has a new website. . .what does that mean to you? In addition to content that would be of interest to those unfamiliar with our church, there are several new features that can help you. News/announcements section: The news section contains posts that will keep you up to date. If you use […]

July 13, 2012

July Fifth Sunday

July Fifth Sunday

Don’t miss our July Fifth Sunday fellowship! Following the morning service on Sunday, July 29, we will enjoy hot dogs from the grill. The church will provide the hot dogs and dessert. Families are asked to bring a side dish to share, and singles soda pop. After we eat, we will enjoy a time of […]

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