March 17, 2013
The lesson: The enigmas and inequities of life should drive us to rest in the Lord and choose the best road before us. Ecclesiastes should be seen as a valuable tool for understanding the nature and need of man. Only then will the gospel of grace through Christ be seen as the ANSWER.
March 10, 2013
The Teacher’s lesson for the day is “In light of death, be wise and make your life count for God.” The gift of life comes from God with these instructions: “Handle with care!”
March 3, 2013
In all of life’s confusing and frustrating circumstances, how should we respond? We must reverence God in all we do (5:1–7) and honor God with all we have (5:8–17).
February 24, 2013
As believers we are to enjoy what God has given and be good stewards, practicing contentment and reverencing God.
February 17, 2013
In Revelation 5, John sees a grand witness to the Worthy One, followed by great worship of the Worthy One—the Lion, Liberator, and Lamb.
February 10, 2013
Sometimes marriage, work, investments, family, friendships turn out to be a bust, not a blessing. If you were smart and rich maybe it would be easier, better, and make more sense. The Teacher says, “Think again, buddy. I had those advantages and still scratched my head over the puzzling dead ends of life.” But along […]
February 3, 2013
When properly understood, this book arms us against the man-centered philosophy prevalent in our day.
January 20, 2013
Weak and sinful leaders gave in to wicked people. But the One who was moving all this forward was the omnipotent God. The ministry of Jesus was not in flames. The Jewish and Roman courts did not miss the ball. For this purpose Jesus came into the world, and this travesty of justice served his […]
January 13, 2013
The Jews weren’t in control; neither were the Romans. Luke shows that Jesus was not running from the Sanhedrin, or trying to get off on a technicality. He was in control and headed to the cross!
January 6, 2013
God’s Law for Israel was never intended to be rote obedience or even a way to earn favor with God. Obedience was always meant to be an overflow of a heart of love for God. This is why Jesus summarized the Law as loving God supremely and loving others selflessly (Matt 22:38). We must avoid the […]