Sermon Archives

May 12, 2019

Holy Women

Holy Women

There’s to be something distinctive about the Christian woman. What should set you apart is a cause…and that cause is Christ!

May 8, 2016

The Joyful Mother

The Joyful Mother

What can mothers, and believers in general, glean from what is recorded in Scripture about Hannah?

April 28, 2015

Ruth Is Loyal to Naomi

Ruth Is Loyal to Naomi

In the second chapter, Ruth makes good on her promise to Naomi. She promised to leave everything she had ever known about life in Moab to go to Israel with Naomi (1:16–17). Now she is in Bethlehem, trying to provide for herself and her mother-in-law.

March 17, 2015

Titus 3

Titus 3

When God’s grace appears in our lives, it not only brings salvation, but it teaches us how to live and how to wait eagerly for Jesus’ return (2:11–15). God’s grace demands a change in how we interact with unbelievers (3:1–7). God’s grace to us will result in God’s grace through us (3:8). Professing Christians who do not display […]

March 3, 2015

Titus 2:11–15

Titus 2:11–15

The truth of the gospel corresponds to godly living (1:1) and Titus was to teach the kind of living that corresponds to and adorns sound doctrine (2:1, 10). When God’s grace appears in our lives, it not only brings salvation, but it teaches us how to live and how to wait eagerly for Jesus’ return […]

February 17, 2015

Titus 2:1–10

Titus 2:1–10

Paul, writing to Titus, gives him instruction as he serves churches on the island of Crete. His job is “putting what remained in order” (1:5) after Paul has left. This involves appointing elders (1:5–16) and teaching the believers how to follow Christ in daily living—“what accords with sound doctrine” (2:1–3:11).

January 13, 2015

Titus 1

Titus 1

Paul, writing to Titus, gives him instruction as he serves churches on the island of Crete. His job is “putting what remained in order” (1:5) after Paul has left. This involves appointing elders (1:5–16) and teaching the believers how to follow Christ in daily living—“what accords with sound doctrine” (2:1–3:11).