Sermon Archives

October 19, 2014

Do This…

Do This...

Communion aids us in our perseverance. It keeps our testimony vibrant and our eyes fixed on the Founder and Perfecter of our faith. It connects us to all who looked faithfully for his return!

September 28, 2014

Understanding the Way of God

Understanding the Way of God

How can we rightly evaluate a ministry? What is the correct measure of a ministry? We must minister a cross-centered message in a cross-centered way. The Wisdom of God (vv. 6–12) Spiritual wisdom is from God (vv. 6, 8, 9). Spiritual wisdom is a mystery (v. 7). Spiritual wisdom is imparted by the Holy Spirit (vv. 10–12). […]

September 28, 2014

1 Corinthians 2:1–5

1 Corinthians 2:1–5

Our faith must rest in Christ alone (v. 5). Neither eloquence (v. 1), competence (v. 2), nor compelling reasoning (v. 4) are able to save.

September 25, 2014

What Should We Do With Christ?

What Should We Do With Christ?

What should we do? All people should honor the Son as they honor the Father (John 5:23). If God is infinite, and He is, one sin on our part against Him is an infinite sin, and that infinite sin demands an infinite payment. An angel cannot give an infinite payment. A mere man cannot give […]

September 24, 2014

1 Corinthians 1:10–31

1 Corinthians 1:10–31

When we seek human power in ministry, we ape the world. But in the message of the cross, we are humbled and God’s work is exalted. The Problem: Divisions in the Church, Following Human Leaders (vv. 10–17) The Answer: God’s Method in Ministry (vv. 18–31) The Message of the Cross Befuddles Human Attempts to Know […]

September 14, 2014

The Great Divide (part 2)

The Great Divide (part 2)

Obedience to Christ does not mean we always avoid hardship, but it means we never walk alone. Paul was bold under fire, and God used him to deliver a powerful message. Part 1

August 31, 2014

I Am Resolved

I Am Resolved

The more danger that awaited Jesus and then Paul, the more they were set on going to their destination. Along the way, God’s Spirit spoke through God’s vessels about the  impending hardships that Paul would face. Was The Lord sending the apostle mixed signals, or thoroughly preparing him for difficulties ahead?

July 13, 2014

Getting the Word Out (part 2)

Getting the Word Out (part 2)

Part 1 Miracles were but a small and temporary part of apostolic ministry. The focus was always and still is the declaration of the message of the saving power of Jesus Christ.

July 6, 2014

Gospel Encouragement

Gospel Encouragement

Gospel comfort: Jesus’ coming judgment is a reminder that he has saved us from sin and death. It is a message of our certain victory and vindication in Christ. Gospel motivation: Jesus’ salvation calls us to live Christlike lives. It is a call to fight sin: unbelief, selfishness, and despair. Jesus has saved us from God’s […]

June 22, 2014

Coming and Going

Coming and Going

It had become Paul’s life to start churches, visit those churches, and report back to churches. This kept him busy and blessed. The ministry of the gospel should always be going forward in us.

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