Sermon Archives

Christian Living
January 13, 2015

Titus 1

Titus 1

Paul, writing to Titus, gives him instruction as he serves churches on the island of Crete. His job is “putting what remained in order” (1:5) after Paul has left. This involves appointing elders (1:5–16) and teaching the believers how to follow Christ in daily living—“what accords with sound doctrine” (2:1–3:11).

December 28, 2014

Stir Each Other Up

Stir Each Other Up

Following Jesus Christ involves a responsibility to and for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

December 28, 2014

The Gift of Gospel Grace

The Gift of Gospel Grace

God’s greatest gift—His gospel grace—equips us and encourages us to share that gift with responsibility and without reservation.

December 21, 2014

Do Not Turn Back

Do Not Turn Back

We must run with endurance the course set before us, looking to our pioneer, our leader, the founder and completer of our faith, Jesus Christ.

December 14, 2014

Persevere in Faith

Persevere in Faith

Because of Jesus’ sacrifice for sin and eternal priestly ministry, we can come to God with confidence. Furthermore, in spite of persecution, we must persevere in our faith in Jesus Christ. If we turn away from Jesus Christ, we can only expect judgment and destruction (cf. 10:35–39).

December 7, 2014

With All Boldness

With All Boldness

Luke never lets us lose sight of his real purpose—to show that the risen Christ kept the gospel message going farther and farther out. Paul was in Rome because his mission was to be a witness to Jews, Gentiles, and Kings… “to the end of the earth” (1:8).

November 23, 2014

Take Heart (part 2)

Take Heart (part 2)

We must communicate God’s Word clearly and challenge souls courageously.

November 16, 2014

Take Heart (part 1)

Take Heart (part 1)

Nothing would make Paul keep the message of Christ to himself. Our faith should be open and presented to the lost.

November 9, 2014

Better Than Moses

Better Than Moses

Jesus, God’s faithful Son, is superior to Moses, God’s faithful servant and the “founding father” of Old Covenant religion. Just as the Israelites in the wilderness could not enter God’s rest because of unbelief, we too ought to strive to enter that rest by persevering in faith in Jesus Christ.

November 9, 2014

Servant and Witness

Servant and Witness

Paul was appointed to be a “servant and witness” (v. 16). As disciples, we have no higher calling or greater privilege than to be servant-witnesses for Jesus Christ.  

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