Sermon Archives

April 13, 2014

Now Is the Son of Man Glorified

Now Is the Son of Man Glorified

Hours before Jesus was arrested and crucified he demonstrated selfless service to the disciples. This selfless act showed Jesus’ manner of ministry. Here is an example we are to follow by faith.

April 6, 2014

The Chain of Freedom

The Chain of Freedom

The gospel of Jesus supplies Christians with both the means and the end in their pursuit of godliness.

March 30, 2014

Liberty to the Captives! (part 2)

Liberty to the Captives! (part 2)

It takes the power of God in salvation to shake a sinner loose from the grips of sin. The gospel is “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Rom 1:16).

March 16, 2014

Open Heart Specialist

Open Heart Specialist

God providentially organizes and moves missionary teams to throw the net of the gospel far. Powerful witness is not the result of the initiative by men, but the operation of the risen Christ.

March 9, 2014

Saved by Grace Alone

Saved by Grace Alone

At the heart of this debate was the essence of the gospel. Is salvation by grace through faith, or are works of the law also necessary?

March 2, 2014

Staying on Target

Staying on Target

Paul did pinpoint preaching, keeping to the subject and hitting the target every time. He made adjustments depending on who his audience was, but the goal was always the gospel of God.

February 23, 2014

Over Land and Sea. . . (part 2)

Over Land and Sea. . . (part 2)

The Son could bring what the Law could not—forgiveness of sins.

February 16, 2014

Over Land and Sea. . . (part 1)

Over Land and Sea. . . (part 1)

Luke shows us men sharing Jesus as the light of the world, and one man being made as blind physically as he was spiritually.

February 2, 2014

Remaining Faithful

Remaining Faithful

We are not just to tell the unsaved about their sin and the Savior. We are to establish new believers in doctrine and godly practice.

January 26, 2014

Eye-Opening Evangelism

Eye-Opening Evangelism

God was working! The gospel was not a “Jewish thing.” Christ was and is building his church!

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