March 1, 2015
Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians encourages these Christians to follow Christ in spite of persecution, looking forward to Jesus’ return to judge the wicked.
February 17, 2015
Paul, writing to Titus, gives him instruction as he serves churches on the island of Crete. His job is “putting what remained in order” (1:5) after Paul has left. This involves appointing elders (1:5–16) and teaching the believers how to follow Christ in daily living—“what accords with sound doctrine” (2:1–3:11).
January 13, 2015
Paul, writing to Titus, gives him instruction as he serves churches on the island of Crete. His job is “putting what remained in order” (1:5) after Paul has left. This involves appointing elders (1:5–16) and teaching the believers how to follow Christ in daily living—“what accords with sound doctrine” (2:1–3:11).
January 4, 2015
In this overview of the prophecy of Isaiah, we examine chapters 1–8 and 40–48.
December 28, 2014
Following Jesus Christ involves a responsibility to and for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
December 21, 2014
We must run with endurance the course set before us, looking to our pioneer, our leader, the founder and completer of our faith, Jesus Christ.
December 14, 2014
Because of Jesus’ sacrifice for sin and eternal priestly ministry, we can come to God with confidence. Furthermore, in spite of persecution, we must persevere in our faith in Jesus Christ. If we turn away from Jesus Christ, we can only expect judgment and destruction (cf. 10:35–39).
December 14, 2014
Who is this Jesus we celebrate at Christmas? John tells us that he is the eternally existing God, the Creator of the universe, the Giver of life, and the Light—the Savior—of the world!
December 7, 2014
Because of Jesus’ infinite and perfect sacrifice, superior to any Old Testament offering, we must believe in God with confidence in Jesus Christ.
November 30, 2014
Jesus Christ, the ultimate high priest, is also the mediator of a wonderful new covenant—one which offers eternal forgiveness for sin.