Westerville’s Most Valuable Oak Tree
Bob Jones
Biblical oak trees were a place of forsaking a former way of life (Gen 35:1–5). Biblical oak trees were a place where God’s Word was preserved and memorialized (Josh 24:22–27). Biblical oak trees were a place of sheltering (Judg 6:11–19). Biblical oak trees sometimes caught a rebel (2 Sam 18:9). Biblical oak trees sometimes withered […]
The Shepherd
Roger Bixler
He is the Good Shepherd: the redemption of salvation was purchased by his blood (John 10:11, 14). This speaks of God’s grace. He is the Great Shepherd: his resurrection power makes our service to God acceptable (Heb 13:20–21). This speaks of God’s guidance. He is the Chief Shepherd: the reward for faithful service (1 Pet […]
50th Anniversary – Thanking God for His Strengthening Grace
Scripture Reading and Invocation Ephesians 1 Congregational Hymn Come, Christians, Join to Sing (90) Testimonies from Church Members Leland & Anjel Hunter, Sara Hammond Congregational Hymn To God Be the Glory (52) Message from the Ohio Bible Fellowship Pastor Dan Greenfield, President Choir Anthem How Great Thou Art (801) Testimonies from Church Members Patty Hartman, […]
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