Evangelism Practiced: Biblical Models of Evangelism
Mark Batory
In the New Testament, much of the evangelism was done through everyday living, “evangel-living.” This means that every true believer in Jesus Christ bringing the gospel to his or her world through the natural web of relationships that God has supernaturally arranged individually for them. A believer that not only lives a life that reflects the […]
Evangelism Failed: Causes of Ineffectual Evangelism
Mark Batory
Although the disciples responded immediately to Jesus’ call and followed him, the gospel of Mark records that the disciples: questioned Christ’s authority and leadership (8:31–33; 5:35–43) doubted Christ’s ability to protect and provide (4:35–40; 6:35–52; 8:1–21) suffered spiritual dullness (5:24–34) experienced the power and joy of their calling (6:7–14) experienced reality of the price of their […]
Evangelism Initiated: Jesus’ Charge to His Disciples
Mark Batory
The key to effective gospel ministry today is not a total church “makeover” or a new marketing strategy, but evangelistic action of true disciples of Jesus Christ. A true disciple is involved in active personal evangelism: the continuous effort of pursuing opportunities to tell others of Jesus Christ.
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