March 8, 2015
As Paul opens this letter to the Thessalonian church (1:1–2), he thanks God for working through persecution to make the believers more like Jesus Christ (1:3–12).
March 8, 2015
The question is not, “Is there a God?” or “Can he deliver?” but “Do I believe this faithful God?”
March 3, 2015
The truth of the gospel corresponds to godly living (1:1) and Titus was to teach the kind of living that corresponds to and adorns sound doctrine (2:1, 10). When God’s grace appears in our lives, it not only brings salvation, but it teaches us how to live and how to wait eagerly for Jesus’ return […]
March 1, 2015
Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians encourages these Christians to follow Christ in spite of persecution, looking forward to Jesus’ return to judge the wicked.
March 1, 2015
To say God’s wisdom is transcendent speaks of its surpassing greatness. Isaiah called it “excellent,” and we should call it wonderful! The best place for wisdom is the God of all wisdom.
February 22, 2015
The people God had called knew they needed deliverance from Babylon, but only by God’s Spirit will they ever see they need deliverance from sin even more!
February 17, 2015
Paul, writing to Titus, gives him instruction as he serves churches on the island of Crete. His job is “putting what remained in order” (1:5) after Paul has left. This involves appointing elders (1:5–16) and teaching the believers how to follow Christ in daily living—“what accords with sound doctrine” (2:1–3:11).
February 15, 2015
We need to let this passage remind us of how God sees our sin and how we should see his grace.