Sermon Archives

Sermons from Westerville Bible Church
April 12, 2015

When We Pray

When We Pray

These first fourteen verses give practical teaching about the ministry of prayer. Want to pray like Paul for the body of Christ?

April 5, 2015

The Ever-Living One

The Ever-Living One

Jesus offered himself as our vicarious substitute and rose as our victorious Savior. We live rejoicing that “if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his” (Rom 6:5).  

March 31, 2015

Ruth: Loyal Love

Ruth: Loyal Love

The book of Ruth is about loyalty or “kindness.” In this short book, we see over and over loyalty (or a lack of it). The main character of the book of Ruth is God himself, and the book shows God’s loyalty to Naomi, Ruth, Boaz, Elimelech, and the entire nation of Israel!

March 29, 2015

Him We Proclaim

Him We Proclaim

As a local church we must not only guard against doctrinal error, but we must exalt Christ and live in a manner worthy of our calling.

March 29, 2015

God’s Righteous Ruler

God's Righteous Ruler

On this Palm Sunday let’s worship the overlooked Jesus who became our Savior and will return as the world’s King.

March 22, 2015

Do Not Grow Weary

Do Not Grow Weary

Having thanked God for his work in the Thessalonian believers and addressed their concerns about the Day of the Lord, Paul confronts a problem in the church. He shows himself a model of spiritual diligence (3:1–5) as well as working hard physically (3:6–12), and he encourages the believers to do the same.

March 22, 2015

God’s Dear Remnant

God’s Dear Remnant

God does not leave himself without a witness. Those who love and serve him faithfully may be in the minority, but we are not alone. In every age God has a remnant according to the election of grace. Press on in faithfulness, for he who called you is faithful.  

March 17, 2015

Titus 3

Titus 3

When God’s grace appears in our lives, it not only brings salvation, but it teaches us how to live and how to wait eagerly for Jesus’ return (2:11–15). God’s grace demands a change in how we interact with unbelievers (3:1–7). God’s grace to us will result in God’s grace through us (3:8). Professing Christians who do not display […]

March 15, 2015

Stand Firm and Wait

Stand Firm and Wait

The second chapter addresses specific questions the Thessalonian believers had for Paul (2:1). These questions involved the timing of Jesus’ second coming and the gathering of believers to be with the Lord. In spite of present persecution and impending evil, Paul encourages the believers with God’s election and calling, and commands them to persevere through […]

March 15, 2015

God’s Holy Wrath

God's Holy Wrath

Isaiah does not try to conceal God’s righteous wrath, but instead claims that vengeance and fury are his alone.

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