Sermon Archives

August 18, 2013

Public Speaking (about Christ)

Public Speaking (about Christ)

Like Peter, we must know who we are witnessing to, Who we are witnessing of, and what the goal of this witnessing is.

July 7, 2013

Band of Believers

Band of Believers
June 23, 2013

This Jesus. . .

This Jesus. . .

Jesus appeared to his disciples and taught them about their upcoming mission. Jesus also promised to return, answering their question about the timing of his kingdom.

April 14, 2013

You Are Salt; You Are Light

You Are Salt; You Are Light

Jesus describes the internal change his disciples undergo in the Beatitudes (vv. 3–12) and then the external results: salt and light (vv. 13–16).

September 30, 2012

True Conversions: Reason to Rejoice!

True Conversions: Reason to Rejoice!

We’re tempted to rejoice in numbers or professions, rather than patterns of true repentance and faith (conversion). Instead, we should rejoice in real conversions—nothing less—because they display God’s salvation at work.  

September 27, 2012

Repentant Faith

Repentant Faith

Why is repentant faith necessary for salvation? God’s intention is not just to deliver people from hell, but to deliver them from sin—changing them from the inside out!

September 26, 2012

The Response to Missions

The Response to Missions

What should be our first response when we are brought face to face with the needs of the mission field? Jesus said we should pray. We should pray because: The needs are primarily spiritual, not physical. The needs are overwhelming and we need wisdom. The needs are greater than we can meet. The Lord of […]

September 23, 2012

A Missionary Heart

A Missionary Heart

What does a missionary’s heart look like? The apostle Paul lays bare his own heart to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20.

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