Sermon Archives

March 9, 2014

Saved by Grace Alone

Saved by Grace Alone

At the heart of this debate was the essence of the gospel. Is salvation by grace through faith, or are works of the law also necessary?

March 2, 2014

Staying on Target

Staying on Target

Paul did pinpoint preaching, keeping to the subject and hitting the target every time. He made adjustments depending on who his audience was, but the goal was always the gospel of God.

February 23, 2014

Over Land and Sea. . . (part 2)

Over Land and Sea. . . (part 2)

The Son could bring what the Law could not—forgiveness of sins.

February 16, 2014

Over Land and Sea. . . (part 1)

Over Land and Sea. . . (part 1)

Luke shows us men sharing Jesus as the light of the world, and one man being made as blind physically as he was spiritually.

January 26, 2014

Eye-Opening Evangelism

Eye-Opening Evangelism

God was working! The gospel was not a “Jewish thing.” Christ was and is building his church!

January 19, 2014

Do What?!

Do What?!

The Lord introduces Peter to a man whom God had been drawing. Gradually the sphere of gospel influence was widening from Jew to Samaritan to Gentile proselyte to God-fearing Gentiles.

January 11, 2014

Evangelism Practiced: Biblical Models of Evangelism

Evangelism Practiced: Biblical Models of Evangelism

In the New Testament, much of the evangelism was done through everyday living, “evangel-living.” This means that every true believer in Jesus Christ bringing the gospel to his or her world through the natural web of relationships that God has supernaturally arranged individually for them. A believer that not only lives a life that reflects the […]

January 11, 2014

Evangelism Empowered: Ingredients of Effective Evangelism

Evangelism Empowered: Ingredients of Effective Evangelism

It is clear from the book of Acts that it as their final yielding to God as true disciples and His filling of them with His Holy Spirit that allowed them to go forth obediently as His witnesses.

January 10, 2014

Evangelism Failed: Causes of Ineffectual Evangelism

Evangelism Failed: Causes of Ineffectual Evangelism

Although the disciples responded immediately to Jesus’ call and followed him, the gospel of Mark records that the disciples: questioned Christ’s authority and leadership (8:31–33; 5:35–43) doubted Christ’s ability to protect and provide (4:35–40; 6:35–52; 8:1–21) suffered spiritual dullness (5:24–34) experienced the power and joy of their calling (6:7–14) experienced reality of the price of their […]

January 10, 2014

Evangelism Initiated: Jesus’ Charge to His Disciples

Evangelism Initiated: Jesus' Charge to His Disciples

The key to effective gospel ministry today is not a total church “makeover” or a new marketing strategy, but evangelistic action of true disciples of Jesus Christ. A true disciple is involved in active personal evangelism: the continuous effort of pursuing opportunities to tell others of Jesus Christ.

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