August 23, 2015
Paul’s purpose in ministry and our reason for living are exactly the same—presenting life through Christ and pleading with the lost to become true worshipers of the true God!
July 26, 2015
Jesus is teaching his disciples and us far more than how to fish (Mark 1:17; Luke 5:10). Let’s learn what Jesus teaches us about fishing for men and how to pray for our missionaries as fishers of men.
May 10, 2015
In the verses we study this morning we see Paul’s ministry and we see things that should mark our ministry today. Part 1 Part 2
May 3, 2015
In the verses we study this morning we see Paul’s ministry and we see things that should mark our ministry today. Part 1
April 26, 2015
In the verses we study this morning we see Paul’s ministry and we see things that should mark our ministry today. Paul wasn’t “empire building.” His travels and struggles were all for one reason—promote growth in Christ.
February 22, 2015
The people God had called knew they needed deliverance from Babylon, but only by God’s Spirit will they ever see they need deliverance from sin even more!
November 30, 2014
God wants us to glorify him (publicly and privately) for his grace and goodness. Giving thanks can be part of a powerful testimony to Jesus Christ.
November 23, 2014
We must remain faithful to the inspired word of God.
November 2, 2014
The Jews were up to their same plots, the officials were up to their same tricks, Paul was committed to the same gospel, and Christ is still advancing his Word through his servants.
October 26, 2014
While Paul exposes their charges as false, he shows that his love for God is true. What Paul did “confess” to is what we should all be “guilty” of.