September 24, 2017
The reason we are committed to global missions and local evangelism is the fact that the Word of God is not bound!
July 16, 2017
Part I Part II Some have done a disservice to evangelism by suggesting that witnessing to Muslims requires a special technique because they are almost impervious to the gospel. The good news is good news to Muslims too!j We are to sow good seed among Muslims as well and pray for the harvest!
July 9, 2017
Part I Some have done a disservice to evangelism by suggesting that witnessing to Muslims requires a special technique because they are almost impervious to the gospel. The good news is good news to Muslims too!j We are to sow good seed among Muslims as well and pray for the harvest!
July 2, 2017
Some have done a disservice to evangelism by suggesting that witnessing to Muslims requires a special technique because they are almost impervious to the gospel. The good news is good news to Muslims too! We are to sow good seed among Muslims as well and pray for the harvest!
July 2, 2017
Philippians is a missionary prayer letter that begins with an answer to Paul’s prayer: he thanks God for your “partnership in the gospel,” or our teamwork for the gospel
March 19, 2017
It is imperative that the believer not lose track of the reason he/she exists on this earth.
October 29, 2016
“What about those who never hear the gospel?” Often, those who are most alarmed by the implications of this question are unbelievers, and not us. In our evangelistic conversations, in our own private doubts, and in our personal mission, how do we answer this question?
September 25, 2016
What is it about God’s presence, protection, and people, that should help believers to not fear proclaiming His Word?
September 25, 2016
Jesus Christ will be with believers until the end of the age. There is an encouraging connection with this concept as seen at the end of both Matthew and Haggai. What is it?
September 25, 2016
There are many, but three specific heart idols in particular cause us to disobey The Great Commission. What are they, and what action(s) can we take to prevent their taking root in our own hearts?