Sermon Archives

Pastor Smith
October 21, 2018

The Value of Bible Reading

The Value of Bible Reading

There is much to be gained by reading and discussing the Scriptures with fellow believers.

September 23, 2018

Roadblocks to Missions

Roadblocks to Missions

What roadblocks are impeding local and international missions work in 2018, and beyond?

August 26, 2018

Listen Carefully to the Parables (Part VII)

Listen Carefully to the Parables (Part VII)

Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI “The Rich Man Also Died” What is a parable? Why did Christ teach with parables? How should the believer understand them?

August 5, 2018

Listen Carefully to the Parables (Part VI)

Listen Carefully to the Parables (Part VI)

Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V “The Haves and Have-Nots” What is a parable? Why did Christ teach with parables? How should the believer understand them?

June 24, 2018

Listen Carefully to the Parables (Part V)

Listen Carefully to the Parables (Part V)

Part I Part II Part III Part IV “Construction, Conflict, and a Condiment” What is a parable? Why did Christ teach with parables? How should the believer understand them?

June 3, 2018

Full Fellowship With God

Full Fellowship With God

Many believers sadly miss the mark when it comes to engaging in genuine, biblical fellowship. What is it, and how is it really done?

May 6, 2018

Better When Broken (Part III)

Better When Broken (Part III)

Part I Part II What does the fiery situation surrounding Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego teach believers about brokenness?

March 25, 2018

Listen Carefully to the Parables (Part IV)

Listen Carefully to the Parables (Part IV)

Part I Part II Part III “Who Is The Prodigal?” What is a parable? Why did Christ teach with parables? How should the believer understand them?

March 18, 2018

Listen Carefully to the Parables (Part III)

Listen Carefully to the Parables (Part III)

Part I Part II “The Lost and Found Parables (Part II)” What is a parable? Why did Christ teach with parables? How should the believer understand them?

March 11, 2018

Listen Carefully to the Parables (Part II)

Listen Carefully to the Parables (Part II)

Part I “The Lost and Found Parables (Part I)” What is a parable? Why did Christ teach with parables? How should the believer understand them?

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