Sermon Archives

Pastor Hamilton
September 9, 2012

The Ministry of Friendship (part 2)

The Ministry of Friendship (part 2)

The benefits of godly friendships include wise counsel, loving correction, and caring protection.

September 9, 2012

Temple Turn-Out

Temple Turn-Out

The day before Jesus was hailed as King. What would be his first order of business as King? What pagan icon would he rip down? Where would he first strike the Roman regime?

September 2, 2012

Rejoicing Crowds, Weeping Savior

Rejoicing Crowds, Weeping Savior

Jesus’ walk to Jerusalem is about to end and his passion week is about to begin. Jesus traveled through many villages and regions, but his plan was to end up in Jerusalem.

August 26, 2012

The Ministry of Friendship (part 1)

The Ministry of Friendship (part 1)

Friendships revolve around a purpose. They are formed for a reason.

August 26, 2012

Great Expectations

Great Expectations

We have a responsibility to be good stewards of the Master’s resources and live in anticipation of his soon return.

August 19, 2012

Marvelous Questions to Answer (part 3)

Marvelous Questions to Answer (part 3)

Romans 8 gives us “precious and very great promises” that provide hope and courage in the midst of any difficulty or persecution. Those who are justified cannot be condemned (vv. 33–34). Those who are anchored in Christ cannot be dislodged (vv. 35ff).

August 19, 2012

Dining with the Despised

Dining with the Despised

Jesus came to seek and save the lost. He sought out Zaccheus, who realized his need, repented, and put his faith in Jesus.

August 12, 2012

True Friendship

True Friendship

How many friends do you have? As a believer, you are a friend of Jesus Christ, and that friendship should be growing. In friendship, God has given us a great gift.

August 12, 2012

The Blind Man’s Sight

The Blind Man's Sight

Jesus knew what lay ahead (vv. 32–33), but pressed on anyway. He came to glorify the Father, and die in place of sinners. Jesus went through Jericho to reach a poor blind man just as he went through Samaria to save an adulterous woman at a well.

July 29, 2012

Eternal Dividends

Eternal Dividends

Jesus called his disciples to follow him first and foremost, leaving behind earthly possessions and relationships. But following Jesus is not without reward. Eternal life belongs only to those who put their faith in Jesus Christ and trust him as Savior.

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