Sermon Archives

Pastor Hamilton
October 28, 2012

Witness and Warning

Witness and Warning

Most of those who did believe in a resurrection thought that the next life would be little different from the present one. In a little question and answer session Jesus stood on truth and showed his enemies were grounded in error.

October 21, 2012

Good Start—Bad Finish (part 2)

Good Start—Bad Finish (part 2)

The beginning of King Asa’s rule was marked by his seeking the Lord (2 Chron 14:2, 4,7; 15:15) and relying on the Lord (2 Chron 14:7, 11). He set his heart against idol worship (2 Chron 14:3–5), but set his heart on true worship (2 Chron 15:8–15).

October 21, 2012

The Despised One (part 2)

The Despised One (part 2)

In a dramatic fashion, Jesus asserts his authority as the heir of God’s vineyard, the One from God and despised by his people. There is life for all who receive Jesus, and eternal death to all who reject him and his offer of salvation.

October 7, 2012

Good Start—Bad Finish (part 1)

Good Start—Bad Finish (part 1)

The beginning of King Asa’s rule was marked by his seeking the Lord (2 Chron 14:2, 4, 7; 15:15) and relying on the Lord (2 Chron 14:7, 11). He set his heart against idol worship (2 Chron 14:3–5), but set his heart on true worship (2 Chron 15:8–15).

October 7, 2012

The Despised One (part 1)

The Despised One (part 1)

In a dramatic fashion, Jesus asserts his authority as the heir of God’s vineyard, the One from God and despised by his people. There is life for all who receive Jesus, and eternal death to all who reject him and his offer of salvation.  

September 23, 2012

A Missionary Heart

A Missionary Heart

What does a missionary’s heart look like? The apostle Paul lays bare his own heart to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20.

September 16, 2012

The Ministry of Friendship (part 3)

The Ministry of Friendship (part 3)

Friendships should be purposeful and deliberate. We are commanded to love one another (Prov 17:17). We are expected to serve one another (Prov 20:6). We are needed to correct and rebuke one another (Prov 12:26).

September 16, 2012

Temple Turn-Out (part 2)

Temple Turn-Out (part 2)

The religious leaders claimed to have authority, but their message was not in line with that of John or Jesus. So then, was theirs legitimate (from God) or not? Instead of endangering or incriminating themselves, they chose the cowards way out. They were out to hang Jesus, not to put the noose around their own neck.

September 9, 2012

The Ministry of Friendship (part 2)

The Ministry of Friendship (part 2)

The benefits of godly friendships include wise counsel, loving correction, and caring protection.

September 9, 2012

Temple Turn-Out

Temple Turn-Out

The day before Jesus was hailed as King. What would be his first order of business as King? What pagan icon would he rip down? Where would he first strike the Roman regime?

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