Sermon Archives

Pastor Hamilton
June 29, 2014

Getting the Word Out (part 1)

Getting the Word Out (part 1)

The church is not a “safe place” to escape the world and find wholesome activities for the whole family.  It is a staging center where we get our orders clear, get fitted out, and get sent out.

June 22, 2014

Coming and Going

Coming and Going

It had become Paul’s life to start churches, visit those churches, and report back to churches. This kept him busy and blessed. The ministry of the gospel should always be going forward in us.

June 15, 2014



Spiritual growth into Christlikeness should be our highest goal.

June 8, 2014

I Am With You

I Am With You

God doesn’t always send us to easy fields, but he never sends us alone or insufficiently provided. Christ goes with us, strengthening us for every task.  

June 1, 2014

I in Them

I in Them

Jesus had promised that the Holy Spirit would be given and “be with you forever” (John 14:15). Jesus called his disciples to abide in him (John 15:4–5). Now he prays for them to be preserved. It is comforting that he never leaves his own, for he is “in” us now and we will be with […]

May 25, 2014

Deal Courageously

Deal Courageously

It takes courage to set God apart and serve God alone. Courage is necessary because in the world we will have tribulations, because submitting to God is better that submitting to fear, because the Captain of our salvation faced the cross, and because God stands with those who stand for Him.

May 11, 2014

Lord of Heaven and Earth (part 2)

Lord of Heaven and Earth (part 2)

The message of the resurrection and atonement carries with it a duty to repent and believe. Part 1

May 4, 2014

Lord of Heaven and Earth (part 1)

Lord of Heaven and Earth (part 1)

Paul spoke to the intellectually elite at Athens and tactfully showed their duty to believe in and bow before the one, true God.

April 27, 2014

Right-Side Up

Right-Side Up

Paul lost his life in the Savior’s. He took up his cross and followed his Master into hostile territory. The hostile reaction of angry mobs was neither a surprise nor a failure. Every time someone receives the gospel they are changed, turned right-side up. We should not be surprised that such a powerful message meets […]

April 20, 2014

Now Is Christ Risen!

Now Is Christ Risen!

This day should be full of hope and praise! Every day should be lived in confidence that Jesus is coming again to rule as no other (vv. 24–28).

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