December 25, 2016
The reason we can possess and must show joy is that we who were alienated from God are forgiven and restored to Him by Christ.
December 11, 2016
The fact that Christ will judge the wicked and reward the righteous sustains the believer who may be going through a trial today.
December 4, 2016
While some Jews miserably blew their opportunity to help rebuild Jerusalem’s wall, many stepped up despite having no prior experience in getting their hands dirty. On the same token: how have you, Christian, gotten your ‘hands dirty’ in the biblical building up of other believers?
December 4, 2016
Peter was not casual or dismissive about false teachers, but instead spoke of their effect on the church like we would describe a terrorist attack today!
November 27, 2016
Jerusalem’s still-present inhabitants had become accustomed to the destruction around them, but Nehemiah determined to rebuild the city’s wall, as God had brought him back to do.
November 27, 2016
The fact that God is omnipotent directs the believer.
November 20, 2016
The apostle’s last will and testament was not “please remember me fondly and say nice things about me,” but rather “remember what you were taught so that you will not fall but stand in faith.”
November 13, 2016
Thanks to God’s great power and strong hand, Nehemiah could lead the Jews in the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s wall.
November 13, 2016
The apostle’s last will and testament was not “please remember me fondly and say nice things about me,” but rather “remember what you were taught so that you will not fall but stand in faith.”
November 6, 2016
Romans 13 instructs believers regarding things to remember about God and government, things to avoid during an election cycle, and things to practice during an election cycle.