Sermon Archives

Pastor Hamilton
July 16, 2017

Witnessing to Muslims (Part III)

Witnessing to Muslims (Part III)

Part I Part II Some have done a disservice to evangelism by suggesting that witnessing to Muslims requires a special technique because they are almost impervious to the gospel. The good news is good news to Muslims too!j We are to sow good seed among Muslims as well and pray for the harvest!

July 16, 2017

My Faith Looks Up to Thee

My Faith Looks Up to Thee

In the midst of impending invasion, Jeremiah wrote a word of hope.

July 9, 2017

Witnessing to Muslims (Part II)

Witnessing to Muslims (Part II)

Part I Some have done a disservice to evangelism by suggesting that witnessing to Muslims requires a special technique because they are almost impervious to the gospel. The good news is good news to Muslims too!j We are to sow good seed among Muslims as well and pray for the harvest!

July 9, 2017

The Judgment Jesus Promised

The Judgment Jesus Promised

Themes of grace and judgment come from the Spirit of God through the pen of Matthew. As Jesus invited people to find salvation in Him, He warned them of coming judgment on unrepentant sinners.

July 2, 2017

Witnessing to Muslims (Part I)

Witnessing to Muslims (Part I)

Some have done a disservice to evangelism by suggesting that witnessing to Muslims requires a special technique because they are almost impervious to the gospel. The good news is good news to Muslims too! We are to sow good seed among Muslims as well and pray for the harvest!

June 25, 2017

The House of the Righteous

The House of the Righteous

While we don’t desire to build personal empires, we do want to build a lasting “household” that testifies to the goodness of God.

June 18, 2017

Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath

Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath

Jesus was and is Lord of the Sabbath, and the Pharisees’ laundry list of extra-biblical regulations couldn’t change that.

June 11, 2017

Jesus, the Perfect Teacher

Jesus, the Perfect Teacher

What Jesus taught was unlike anything the scribes and Pharisees could ever bring to the table, because He was and is the perfect Teacher.

June 4, 2017

Setting Things Straight

Setting Things Straight

Sin is not to be coddled. It is a predator, and must be attacked.

June 4, 2017

The Way of Salvation

The Way of Salvation

The purpose of this gospel is that the Son of God, who was the Son of Man, is the only hope Israel or we have for salvation.

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