December 10, 2017
There was hope, and that hope would be in their Messiah and God’s turning their heart to receive the One they rejected.
December 3, 2017
After the tribulation and before the new heaven and earth, there is a period of blessing that reaches every area of life. Revelation tells us why we should live in anticipation of Christ’s return.
November 26, 2017
Despite Israel’s history of faithlessness and sinfulness, God reaffirmed His promise to never forsake His chosen people. The same applies to the believer today.
November 26, 2017
Part I All this is not some tragic tale of a battle lost, but the triumphant beginning of a promise given!
November 12, 2017
The revelation of Jesus involves His coming to claim all that is His. This fact should terrify the wicked and thrill the saved.
October 22, 2017
The activity of praising God, which takes place in heaven, should be reflected in the life of every individual believer every day!
October 15, 2017
The grace that is offered through Christ will end and the payment on all who reject God’s gift will be His wrath!
October 8, 2017
This Latin statement was used by the Reformers to summarize their belief that glory and praise for our salvation should go to God alone!
September 24, 2017
The reason we are committed to global missions and local evangelism is the fact that the Word of God is not bound!
September 17, 2017
Paul took three chapters (Rom. 1-3) to show we all are hopeless sinners. All of this is to show that salvation is not according to what we can do, but what God has done on our behalf!