February 16, 2020
In an age when people will do anything to advance or protect themselves, believers show Christ by living by biblically-defined ethics.
February 2, 2020
Part I David doesn’t kill anybody, and wants to be clear that he is not responsible for Abner’s death. David could make a public statement and curse, but he could not remove guilt. Only God can do that!
January 26, 2020
David doesn’t kill anybody, and wants to be clear that he is not responsible for Abner’s death. David could make a public statement and curse, but he could not remove guilt. Only God can do that!
January 20, 2020
Part I David prefigures here God’s Son who did the Father’s will—and knew the hostility that comes because of such obedience.
January 12, 2020
David prefigures here God’s Son who did the Father’s will—and knew the hostility that comes because of such obedience.
January 5, 2020
The good news we receive in life evaporates; the good news of God’s Word is changeless.
December 29, 2019
We profit from studying positive examples in Scripture, and learn important things from seeing the failure of men like Saul.