Sermon Archives

Sunday Morning
October 7, 2012

The Despised One (part 1)

The Despised One (part 1)

In a dramatic fashion, Jesus asserts his authority as the heir of God’s vineyard, the One from God and despised by his people. There is life for all who receive Jesus, and eternal death to all who reject him and his offer of salvation.  

September 30, 2012

True Conversions: Reason to Rejoice!

True Conversions: Reason to Rejoice!

We’re tempted to rejoice in numbers or professions, rather than patterns of true repentance and faith (conversion). Instead, we should rejoice in real conversions—nothing less—because they display God’s salvation at work.  

September 23, 2012

A Missionary Heart

A Missionary Heart

What does a missionary’s heart look like? The apostle Paul lays bare his own heart to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20.

September 16, 2012

Temple Turn-Out (part 2)

Temple Turn-Out (part 2)

The religious leaders claimed to have authority, but their message was not in line with that of John or Jesus. So then, was theirs legitimate (from God) or not? Instead of endangering or incriminating themselves, they chose the cowards way out. They were out to hang Jesus, not to put the noose around their own neck.

September 9, 2012

Temple Turn-Out

Temple Turn-Out

The day before Jesus was hailed as King. What would be his first order of business as King? What pagan icon would he rip down? Where would he first strike the Roman regime?

September 2, 2012

Rejoicing Crowds, Weeping Savior

Rejoicing Crowds, Weeping Savior

Jesus’ walk to Jerusalem is about to end and his passion week is about to begin. Jesus traveled through many villages and regions, but his plan was to end up in Jerusalem.

August 26, 2012

Great Expectations

Great Expectations

We have a responsibility to be good stewards of the Master’s resources and live in anticipation of his soon return.

August 19, 2012

Dining with the Despised

Dining with the Despised

Jesus came to seek and save the lost. He sought out Zaccheus, who realized his need, repented, and put his faith in Jesus.

August 12, 2012

The Blind Man’s Sight

The Blind Man's Sight

Jesus knew what lay ahead (vv. 32–33), but pressed on anyway. He came to glorify the Father, and die in place of sinners. Jesus went through Jericho to reach a poor blind man just as he went through Samaria to save an adulterous woman at a well.

August 5, 2012

“We Were Once. . .”

"We Were Once. . ."

God’s grace (2:11–14) transforms our lives and gives us a zeal for obeying Jesus Christ. God’s grace demands a change in the way we live; at the same time, holy living must be grounded in God’s grace.

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