February 22, 2015
The people God had called knew they needed deliverance from Babylon, but only by God’s Spirit will they ever see they need deliverance from sin even more!
February 15, 2015
We need to let this passage remind us of how God sees our sin and how we should see his grace.
February 8, 2015
Christ showed great kindness in salvation. In mercy He makes rebels into disciples, his children.
February 1, 2015
God is often described as “gracious and merciful” (Ps 111:4). The pairing shows God’s undeserved favor out of a heart that knows our need and seeks to bring relief.
January 25, 2015
We are not at the mercy of Satan or the world. Our God rules! We are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
January 18, 2015
The One who is “high and lifted up” (57:15) tells us all we need to know about him. We need an accurate estimation of the Almighty. Isaiah had a hard message for a hard people. He needed a high view of God to sustain him in difficult ministry.
January 11, 2015
Jehovah-God claims to be the maker and sustainer of all things! Creation and its Creator impacts our gospel and faith.
January 4, 2015
Throughout Acts Luke wants us to see the work of the risen Lord through his church. The church is not a building…or a program either. It’s a body, a bride, a living voice testifying to the glory and power of God.
December 28, 2014
God’s greatest gift—His gospel grace—equips us and encourages us to share that gift with responsibility and without reservation.
December 21, 2014
Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, to offer the Kingdom and himself, and to seek and save the lost.