Sermon Archives

Sunday Morning
October 15, 2017

Mighty is the Lord

Mighty is the Lord

The grace that is offered through Christ will end and the payment on all who reject God’s gift will be His wrath!

October 8, 2017

Soli Deo Gloria

Soli Deo Gloria

This Latin statement was used by the Reformers to summarize their belief that glory and praise for our salvation should go to God alone!

September 24, 2017

The Word of God is Not Bound

The Word of God is Not Bound

The reason we are committed to global missions and local evangelism is the fact that the Word of God is not bound!

September 17, 2017

Sola Fide

Sola Fide

Paul took three chapters (Rom. 1-3) to show we all are hopeless sinners. All of this is to show that salvation is not according to what we can do, but what God has done on our behalf!

September 3, 2017

Sola Gratia

Sola Gratia

God based salvation on his grace and mercy, not our works or merit. If it is not grace alone, it is not really grace at all.

August 27, 2017

Solus Christus

Solus Christus

We rightfully declare that salvation comes by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for the glory of God alone!

August 20, 2017

Sola Scriptura

Sola Scriptura

The Word of God is final, and sufficient for all matters pertaining to eternal life.

August 13, 2017

Merciful God (Part II)

Merciful God (Part II)

Part I Judah was to get their eyes off the superpower, Babylon, and see their future was as bright as their merciful God was good.

August 6, 2017

Merciful God (Part I)

Merciful God (Part I)

Judah was to get their eyes off the superpower, Babylon, and see their future was as bright as their merciful God was good.

July 30, 2017

My Faith Looks Up To Thee (Part II)

My Faith Looks Up To Thee (Part II)

Part I In the midst of impending invasion, Jeremiah wrote a word of hope.

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