Sermon Archives

Sunday Morning
November 24, 2019

Covenants of the Old Testament

Covenants of the Old Testament

God will establish a kingdom in the land He promised to Abraham with His people Israel, restored and reunited under King Jesus, the son of David.

November 17, 2019

Resting in the Providence of God

Resting in the Providence of God

David had the promises of God and saw the providence of God.

November 10, 2019

What The Lord Knows

What The Lord Knows
November 3, 2019

Heart Failure

Heart Failure

The best antidote against sinful fear is holy fear that makes God the highest priority.

October 27, 2019

Hiding in Enemy Territory

Hiding in Enemy Territory

We all want to be victors, and need to be aware of the defeatist attitude that opens the door to unwise thinking and action.

October 20, 2019

The First Supper

The First Supper

Jesus commands us to observe communion, why to do this, and how long to do this.

October 12, 2019

God Forbid

God Forbid

Are you developing a heart so surrendered to the Spirit that it is set on doing God’s will, and refusing everything outside His will?

September 29, 2019

Why Do We Sing in Church?

Why Do We Sing in Church?
September 15, 2019

Over-the-Top Mercy

Over-the-Top Mercy

The mercy God shows us through Christ should flow through us. What that looks like to the unsaved is an over-the-top kindness.

September 8, 2019

God’s Good Gifts

God’s Good Gifts

Consider the many things our gracious God provided FOR David in trial, then rejoice WITH David over the good things Christ supplies us on a daily basis.

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