Sermon Archives

Sermons from Westerville Bible Church
November 25, 2012

The Beginning of the End (part 3)

The Beginning of the End (part 3)

Jesus taught his disciples to be spiritually vigilant. We are to be living in anticipation of Christ’s return. Christ guarantees that all this will certainly take place.

November 18, 2012

Good Start—Bad Finish (part 3)

Good Start—Bad Finish (part 3)

After a faithful and godly beginning, Asa’s reign finished poorly. He responded badly to a threatening situation (vv. 1–6), a prophet who confronted his sin (vv. 7–10), and to a punishing disease (vv. 11–14).

November 18, 2012

The Beginning of the End (part 2)

The Beginning of the End (part 2)

Jesus told his disciples not to have prepared statements, but to trust the Lord to give a solid answer (v. 15). Answering the question, “When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age” (Matt 24:3), the Teacher gave an eschatology lesson. Jesus was clear that […]

November 11, 2012

The Beginning of the End (part 1)

The Beginning of the End (part 1)

These verses form a long answer to a short question (v. 7). In his eschatological address, Jesus moved his listeners from what they saw to what they would be seeing to the One who would be seen. Bible prophecy should thrill us when we realize that it all points to the Messiah ruling in all his […]

November 4, 2012

This Poor Widow

This Poor Widow
October 28, 2012

Witness and Warning

Witness and Warning

Most of those who did believe in a resurrection thought that the next life would be little different from the present one. In a little question and answer session Jesus stood on truth and showed his enemies were grounded in error.

October 21, 2012

Good Start—Bad Finish (part 2)

Good Start—Bad Finish (part 2)

The beginning of King Asa’s rule was marked by his seeking the Lord (2 Chron 14:2, 4,7; 15:15) and relying on the Lord (2 Chron 14:7, 11). He set his heart against idol worship (2 Chron 14:3–5), but set his heart on true worship (2 Chron 15:8–15).

October 21, 2012

The Despised One (part 2)

The Despised One (part 2)

In a dramatic fashion, Jesus asserts his authority as the heir of God’s vineyard, the One from God and despised by his people. There is life for all who receive Jesus, and eternal death to all who reject him and his offer of salvation.

October 14, 2012

Fellowshipping with Christ’s Suffering

Fellowshipping with Christ's Suffering

Do you know Jesus Christ? How well do you know him? Paul says that we can know him through the power of his resurrection and sharing in his suffering.

October 14, 2012

Faith, Grace, Hope, Joy

Faith, Grace, Hope, Joy

We are justified by faith (5:1). We have access to God through grace (5:2). We enjoy the hope of glory (5:2). We manifest joy in suffering (5:3). This is how we can rejoice in suffering, knowing that God will continue and complete his sanctifying work in us.

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