Sermon Archives

Sermons from Westerville Bible Church
September 30, 2012

True Conversions: Reason to Rejoice!

True Conversions: Reason to Rejoice!

We’re tempted to rejoice in numbers or professions, rather than patterns of true repentance and faith (conversion). Instead, we should rejoice in real conversions—nothing less—because they display God’s salvation at work.  

September 27, 2012

Repentant Faith

Repentant Faith

Why is repentant faith necessary for salvation? God’s intention is not just to deliver people from hell, but to deliver them from sin—changing them from the inside out!

September 26, 2012

The Response to Missions

The Response to Missions

What should be our first response when we are brought face to face with the needs of the mission field? Jesus said we should pray. We should pray because: The needs are primarily spiritual, not physical. The needs are overwhelming and we need wisdom. The needs are greater than we can meet. The Lord of […]

September 23, 2012

Repentance and Saving Faith

Repentance and Saving Faith

God commands all men to repent and believe in his Son, Jesus Christ (Acts 17:30; John 3:18). What is saving faith? Why is it necessary? In what or whom must trust? Where does it come from? Regarding repentance, why is it necessary? How does it relate to saving faith? What is it?

September 23, 2012

A Missionary Heart

A Missionary Heart

What does a missionary’s heart look like? The apostle Paul lays bare his own heart to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20.

September 16, 2012

The Ministry of Friendship (part 3)

The Ministry of Friendship (part 3)

Friendships should be purposeful and deliberate. We are commanded to love one another (Prov 17:17). We are expected to serve one another (Prov 20:6). We are needed to correct and rebuke one another (Prov 12:26).

September 16, 2012

Temple Turn-Out (part 2)

Temple Turn-Out (part 2)

The religious leaders claimed to have authority, but their message was not in line with that of John or Jesus. So then, was theirs legitimate (from God) or not? Instead of endangering or incriminating themselves, they chose the cowards way out. They were out to hang Jesus, not to put the noose around their own neck.

September 9, 2012

The Ministry of Friendship (part 2)

The Ministry of Friendship (part 2)

The benefits of godly friendships include wise counsel, loving correction, and caring protection.

September 9, 2012

Temple Turn-Out

Temple Turn-Out

The day before Jesus was hailed as King. What would be his first order of business as King? What pagan icon would he rip down? Where would he first strike the Roman regime?

September 2, 2012

Sunup to Sundown

Sunup to Sundown

We ought to praise God because He is both infinitely great and lovingly good.

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