Sermon Archives

Sermons from Westerville Bible Church
August 11, 2013

Stewardship and Contentment

Stewardship and Contentment

Our morality is founded on our theology. What we believe determines how we act. How can we please God with the money and resources which he has entrusted to us? Two biblical principles can help us please God, and they stem from two of God’s attributes: his sovereignty and his goodness.

August 4, 2013

Flee Immorality

Flee Immorality

Those whom Jesus Christ has redeemed find their satisfaction in Him, glorifying God by maintaining moral purity. Immorality is to be avoided, not simply for its own sake, but as the very premise of sanctification: we are separated from sin and to God. Our bodies were not created by God for our pleasure, but for his. […]

July 28, 2013

God’s Grace to the Church

God's Grace to the Church

This passage reminds us of God’s grace. While the previous two chapters describe God’s great grace shown to us in salvation and including us in the body of Christ, this section reminds us that grace is always undeserved, that God is sovereign in the administration of his grace, and this grace is a great motivation […]

July 21, 2013

Just One Response

Just One Response
July 14, 2013

Promise Fulfilled

Promise Fulfilled

Jesus was launching the next step in his eternal plan, the Church for which he died. He did this in the heart of Jewish territory, Jerusalem, that they might marvel at his plan. God made a glorious statement at Pentecost. The Lord was alive and working through his Spirit in his Church!  

July 7, 2013

Band of Believers

Band of Believers
June 30, 2013

A Prayer for Open Eyes

A Prayer for Open Eyes

History is full of stories of people who had great wealth or treasure “right under their noses” but never realized it. As believers, we enjoy a wonderful salvation as God’s children, but often we never realize just how glorious this salvation is! Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians is that they would come to realize the […]

June 23, 2013

This Jesus. . .

This Jesus. . .

Jesus appeared to his disciples and taught them about their upcoming mission. Jesus also promised to return, answering their question about the timing of his kingdom.

June 16, 2013

Nailing It Down

Nailing It Down

This chapter provides dads with something to teach, and children with something to learn. The greatest lesson a father can teach is how to be content with Christ and how to pursue his will.

June 9, 2013

Who Knows?

Who Knows?

Throughout this book we have witnessed the tension between the fact that life is puzzling and life is precious. We are reminded of what we don’t know (vv. 2, 5, 6) and what we must know (v. 9b). The young and those who used to be young have the same responsibility—to use our days rejoicing in God and telling […]

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