Sermon Archives

Sermons from Westerville Bible Church
September 29, 2013

Glorying in Goodness

Glorying in Goodness
September 27, 2013

Christ’s Plan for Changing the World

Christ's Plan for Changing the World

When asked about his kingdom, Jesus responded by promising his disciples that power would come with his Spirit and that they would become witnesses.

September 26, 2013

Casting Out Missionaries

Casting Out Missionaries

The harvest is overwhelming and there is a shortage of laborers, but the Master of the harvest is infinitely more interested in his harvest than we could ever be. He commands us to pray that he will “cast out” more laborers into his harvest field.

September 25, 2013

Worship-Driven Disciplemaking

Worship-Driven Disciplemaking

Jesus approached his disciples, some of whom were worshipping while others doubted, and reminded them that all authority had been given to him. Based on that authority, he commanded them to make disciples.

September 22, 2013

Faith Proclaimed in All the World

Faith Proclaimed in All the World

What God provides must be received by faith. What is received by faith must be announced in faithfulness. Only as this gospel is proclaimed and the Lord opens the eyes of the lost are people converted. The power is not in our presentation, but in our Savior.

September 15, 2013

The Real Deal

The Real Deal

Satan not only tried to attack with threats from outside the church, but from corruption from within. Persecution could scatter a community of believers, but wrong teaching or values could fracture an assembly. The purity of the church is important to God.

September 8, 2013

Right Response to Wrong Treatment

Right Response to Wrong Treatment

When persecuted, the church gathers with the company of saints (v. 23) and gives thanks to the God who is working through it all (vv. 24–31).

September 1, 2013

The Ugly Side of Religious Unbelief

The Ugly Side of Religious Unbelief

The greatest opposition you will face in giving the gospel may not be from secular sources, but from those who are devoted to a dead religion. This chapter tells Christ’s body what they can expect and how they are to respond.

August 25, 2013

The Exuberant Witness

The Exuberant Witness

The same Jesus the Jews delivered to die was raised by the Almighty and must be believed by every sinner.

August 18, 2013

Public Speaking (about Christ)

Public Speaking (about Christ)

Like Peter, we must know who we are witnessing to, Who we are witnessing of, and what the goal of this witnessing is.

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