Sermon Archives

Sermons from Westerville Bible Church
November 17, 2013

Westerville’s Most Valuable Oak Tree

Westerville's Most Valuable Oak Tree

Biblical oak trees were a place of forsaking a former way of life (Gen 35:1–5). Biblical oak trees were a place where God’s Word was preserved and memorialized (Josh 24:22–27). Biblical oak trees were a place of sheltering (Judg 6:11–19). Biblical oak trees sometimes caught a rebel (2 Sam 18:9). Biblical oak trees sometimes withered […]

November 17, 2013

The Shepherd

The Shepherd

He is the Good Shepherd: the redemption of salvation was purchased by his blood (John 10:11, 14). This speaks of God’s grace. He is the Great Shepherd: his resurrection power makes our service to God acceptable (Heb 13:20–21). This speaks of God’s guidance. He is the Chief Shepherd: the reward for faithful service (1 Pet […]

November 16, 2013

50th Anniversary – Thanking God for His Strengthening Grace

50th Anniversary - Thanking God for His Strengthening Grace

Scripture Reading and Invocation Ephesians 1 Congregational Hymn Come, Christians, Join to Sing (90) Testimonies from Church Members Leland & Anjel Hunter, Sara Hammond Congregational Hymn To God Be the Glory (52) Message from the Ohio Bible Fellowship Pastor Dan Greenfield, President Choir Anthem How Great Thou Art (801) Testimonies from Church Members Patty Hartman, […]

November 10, 2013

Strengthened by Grace

Strengthened by Grace

Instead of being weakened by corrupting influences around it, the local church should be “strengthened by grace.”

November 3, 2013

Portrait of a Martyr, part 2

Portrait of a Martyr, part 2
October 27, 2013

Our Speech and Our Faith

Our Speech and Our Faith

James tells us that a living faith produces obedience. In other words, we know that our faith is genuine when it transforms our lives. What could be more obvious than our speech? We all speak, we all sin, and we must all take responsibility for our words. Because speaking is so easy, it is often one […]

October 20, 2013

Portrait of a Martyr, part 1

Portrait of a Martyr, part 1

Great men are not those who receive honor by dignitaries or who accomplish historical feats in life. Truly great people are humble servants who do not count their lives dear unto themselves.

October 13, 2013

Eliminating Distractions

Eliminating Distractions

A church moves forward as each member sees their opportunity to serve Christ and does so with a humble faithfulness. Taking care of the widows was not unimportant, but it could be used by the enemy to pull the apostles away from what they were told to do— “be my witnesses in all Judea and […]

October 6, 2013

Answered Prayer

Answered Prayer

After the first sign of persecution, the believers met to pray as one to the one true Ruler (4:24). The thing they prayed for was not God’s vengeance, but for the opportunity to “continue to speak.” God delivers and protects not so that we can go silent, but so that we can proclaim widely (5:30–32).  

September 29, 2013

Missions in the 21st Century

Missions in the 21st Century

In his final session, Mark Vowels describes where we’ve been, where we are, and where we are going in missions.

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