January 10, 2016
Jesus Christ, while never ceasing to be God, demonstrated how one “stoops down” for the sake of serving others.
January 10, 2016
In Numbers 11, we find that the complaints of self-centered people displeased God (vv. 4–15), that the nature of God’s response demonstrated wisdom, grace, and power (vv. 16–23), and that the judgment of God corresponded to the sins of the people (vv. 24–35).
January 9, 2016
Those who embrace human wisdom tend to exalt human leaders to undue status. However, all human leaders of the church are servants of God who cannot produce spiritual fruit apart from God. Furthermore, worthy leaders of God’s church will receive a reward, but unworthy leaders will be dealt with by God.
January 9, 2016
In this passage, Paul gives the Corinthians (and us) three reasons to control our bodies.
January 8, 2016
Paul, in dealing with the Corinthians, addresses Christians who were unwilling to enduring suffering by presenting a striking contrast between himself and the Corinthian church.
January 8, 2016
In his first letter to the Corinthian church, the apostle Paul deals with problems and answers questions.
January 3, 2016
What do we hunger for as believers: the things of this world, or accomplishing the will of God? What about our appetites might need to be adjusted?
December 20, 2015
What are the necessary similarities, and the glorious differences, between the man Adam and Jesus Christ?
December 20, 2015
We should learn from every note of praise from every redeemed saint whose hymn of thanks can instruct and shape our own.
December 13, 2015
Jesus said in John 16:33, “Take heart!” The sheep of His pasture only worry and fear when we are giving attention to the enemy that should be fixed by faith on God.