Sermon Archives

Sermons from Westerville Bible Church
June 5, 2016

Fighting Philarguria

Fighting Philarguria

Ecclesiastes has plenty to say about the clear spiritual dangers of loving money. Related message: Affected by Affluenza

June 5, 2016

I Once Was Blind

I Once Was Blind

Only Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, can heal physical blindness. He also is the only answer to spiritual blindness.

May 21, 2016

“Sticks, Stones, and Steaks” part 3

"Sticks, Stones, and Steaks" part 3

Believers seeking to glorify God should never associate themselves with elements that are linked to the world system regardless of the reasons, the personal rights, or the perceived cost.

May 21, 2016

“Sticks, Stones, and Steaks” part 2

"Sticks, Stones, and Steaks" part 2

Paul’s first two principles in decisionmaking involve encroachment (will it go against the demands of my conscience, 8:7) and example (will it set a helpful pattern for others to follow, 8:12-13).

May 20, 2016

“Sticks, Stones, and Steaks” part 1

"Sticks, Stones, and Steaks" part 1

In debatable issues, things in which we have no direct scriptural instruction, we are often confronted with decisions between individual personal liberty and Christian community sensitivity.

May 15, 2016

Laborers for the Lord

Laborers for the Lord

What kind of laborer are you for the Lord, and the body of Christ?

May 15, 2016

“Say, What?!” (Part IV)

"Say, What?!" (Part IV)

Habakkuk faithfully ministered the Word when it was unpopular to do so. The people of God were about to witness destruction and exile. Joy comes from having a proper view of God—his plan and power to fulfill it.

May 8, 2016

The Joyful Mother

The Joyful Mother

What can mothers, and believers in general, glean from what is recorded in Scripture about Hannah?

May 8, 2016

We Shall Be Like Him

Believers should pursue Christlikeness because we will be glorified when we are with Christ.

May 1, 2016

“Say, What?!” (Part III)

"Say, What?!" (Part III)

Habakkuk faithfully ministered the Word when it was unpopular to do so. The people of God were about to witness destruction and exile. Joy comes from having a proper view of God—his plan and power to fulfill it.

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