After telling what believers received from God at salvation, Peter moves to telling what this requires of them. Peter says, “Let the following pursuits consume you daily!” There is nothing passive about Christianity.
After telling what believers received from God at salvation, Peter moves to telling what this requires of them. Peter says, “Let the following pursuits consume you daily!” There is nothing passive about Christianity.
Some things are worth remembering. Other things are too important to forget. The threat of false teachers made it so important for Peter to review the nature of salvation and the duty of the saved.
Jesus Christ will be with believers until the end of the age. There is an encouraging connection with this concept as seen at the end of both Matthew and Haggai. What is it?
There are many, but three specific heart idols in particular cause us to disobey The Great Commission. What are they, and what action(s) can we take to prevent their taking root in our own hearts?
Jesus Christ describes His blueprint for building the church in the The Great Commission. How do believers follow it as they endeavor to make disciples of all the nations? Part I